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Yamaha / CLP-765GP

Advanced Digital Grand Piano # Black Polish ( including premium delivery service ! )

  • red - on request
  • orange - expected to be available in
    (6-10 days)
  • green - available
Advanced Digital Grand Piano # Black Polish  ( including premium delivery service ! )
Advanced Digital Grand Piano # Black Polish  ( including premium delivery service ! )
add to cart
4.769,00 €

CFX and Bösendorfer Imperial piano samples
2 forte piano Voices
Improved VRM (Virtual Resonance Modeling)
Grand Expression Modeling
Smooth Release and Key-Off samples
256-note polyphony / 38 Voices
GrandTouch-STM keyboard with synthetic ebony and ivory keytops
Dual / Split / Duo Mode
Digital effects (Reverb / Chorus / Brilliance / Effect)
21 Voice Demo Songs / 50 Piano Songs / 303 Lesson Songs / 20 rhythm / 16-track recording
USB Audio Recorder (Playback / Recording: WAV) + USB TO HOST and USB TO DEVICE
Dual headphone jacks
(50 W + 42 W) x 2 amplifiers + 16 cm x 2 speaker system


Route de Luxembourg Z.C. Hohkaul
L-5230 Sandweiler

+352 26 15 91

Opening hours

Monday closed
Tuesday - Friday: 10:00 to 18:00
Saturday: 10:00 to 18:00

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