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Hohner / HOM91105

Hohner Bluesband SET (7 Harmonicas)

The right keys for a good start!This 7-piece set comprises harmonicas in the most popular keys (G, A, Bb, C, D, E, F) to get you started playing…
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Hohner / HOM27001X

Hohner Super Chromonica II M270 - 48 C

Franco De Gemini a joué avec un Hohner Super Chromonica le morceau pour harmonica le plus célèbre de l’histoire de la musique.…
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Hohner / HOM110

Little Lady C "Gold Edition" with gold-plated chain

Miniature harmonicas are not just original gifts, but full-range C major instruments that are perfectly playable - even in zero gravity!On December…
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Hohner / HOM200506X

Marine Band Deluxe F

Optimized hood design to increase volume and improve stability - Mounted with 3 plate screws and 4 hood screws to minimize air loss and facilitate…
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Hohner / HOM753801

Mellow tone Signature TootsThielemans

Toots Thielemans, an exceptional harmonica player, has written countless works for his “baby” as he fondly calls his instrument. The…
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Route de Luxembourg Z.C. Hohkaul
L-5230 Sandweiler

+352 26 15 91

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Monday closed
Tuesday - Friday: 10:00 to 18:00
Saturday: 10:00 to 18:00

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