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Buffet Crampon / BC1139L-2-0P

Clarinette Sib Festival 440/442, 18 clés

6 anneaux, tampons GT, cuir et liège naturel, argenté - en étuiConçue en 1987, avec la collaboration de trois artistes de renommée…
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Buffet Crampon / BC2501-2-0GB

E11 Sib 442

Free blowing and a high quality hand finish, with a strong heritage. Constructed by traditional methods, combining technology and experience. Manufactured…
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Buffet Crampon / F35382VIE

Pavillon clarinette basse icon cuivre rouge

Caractéristiques TechniquesMatériau : cuivre rougeFinition : verni
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Route de Luxembourg Z.C. Hohkaul
L-5230 Sandweiler

+352 26 15 91

Opening hours

Monday closed
Tuesday - Friday: 10:00 to 18:00
Saturday: 10:00 to 18:00

© 2024 Stagemusic – All rights reserved | Mentions légales